Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Whoo Hoo! It Might Be Spring

 I am hoping for great weather today. I want to go outside and get some fresh air. Hurry and do your homework so you can go outside, too.

This is kind of a crazy time, isn't it? But, we will get through it. I hope you are still washing your hands lots, using sanitizer when you need, and staying a safe distance away from others. Those things can help us stay healthy. I also hope you are talking to your parents when you start to feel nervous or scared. That helps you feel safe. I want you healthy and safe.

Don't forget to practice your spelling words. You can practice at SpellingCity. Tomorrow you will take the test (like Kahoot!) at Quizizz. 

Did you watch Mystery Doug yesterday? I thought it was fun one. Today I thought I would give you a STEM challenge. In this activity you will be an engineer. Click here to get started. Send me a picture of what you build. I'd love to see.

And, here is a brain teaser for to stretch your thinking. 

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