Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Polygons! Polygons!

Today we will be working with polygons. Polygons are shapes with straight sides that are closed. Hexagons, pentagons, quadrilaterals, squares, rectangles, and triangles are some of the polygons we have learned about. 

Since we are working with polygons and read about robots, here is a fun art activity for you. You will draw polygons to make a robot. Click here for the robot drawing video. When you finish, I'd love to see your robots. 

If you haven't yet, or would like to again, here is the story for Lesson 24 called "Half-Chicken." It is in your Things to Do folder on ThinkCentral. You will find the vocabulary words and some spelling words in the story. Look for those.

New spelling words are at SpellingCity to practice. You can also practice any other way you would like.

Now, I think I will go outside and read today. It should be great! Then I'm going to take a Reading Counts quiz.

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