Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday - A Bit Wacky for Me

Things have not gone smoothly today. I couldn't find my shoe, and I always put my shoes away. I brushed my teeth and slipped and cut my mouth. Then I had a little mishap with the video. You will see that. Some days are just not as easy as others. 

Don't forget to keep practicing the spelling words at SpellingCity. There will be a Quizizz test on Friday.

You can read this week's story, "From Seed to Plant" at ThinkCentral.

This week I saw a show on PBS that made me so excited. Have you seen the show Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum? It is based upon the Ordinary People that Change the World Books. So, I decided to read one to  you and then you can click above to watch the show all about it. Check it out. I think you will love it!

Finally, a math game for you. Have you ever played Garbage? It is really fun. Kids and adults can play. It can be played with one or more people. Click here for the instructions.

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