Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hooray for Arrays!

Some of you asked when we would be learning about times. Well, last week we worked on multiplication. We did x 5 problems. Today we will be working on multiplication pictures. Last week we learned that the times symbol, x, means equal groups of. A picture of a multiplication problem is called an array. Today we will be talking about arrays in our work. If you want to learn more about arrays and multiplication, you can watch the videos I included below. They are great. You don't have to, but I think you will really like them.

Also, I have assigned your first QUIZZIZ quiz. If you do the quiz, you don't have to do the Reading Comprehension paper. Enter the code 791536. Do the quiz and then you are finished. That's it!

Here is a new kind of puzzle for you. It is called Sudoku. You probably have seen one before. This one is for kids. Here are the instructions: Complete the puzzles by filling in the numbers 1-4. Every row, column, and 2x2 block must contain the numbers 1 through 4 once.

And finally, today I went to Disney World! Not really. But I did take a virtual ride on Splash Mountain. Ask your parents if it is okay to click on the link. Remember, stay seated. Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. You might get wet!

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