Thursday, April 16, 2020

National Pink Eraser Day

Hello to all of you! Thanks for checking in. Today's activities are just so 2nd grade. Everything we do today will help you to be ready for 3rd grade. Can you believe you are only six weeks away from being a third grader? You are amazing!!!

Have you been practicing the spelling words? Tomorrow you will do a Quizizz test. Those are fun. You can practice the spelling words at Spelling City. You can practice them any other way, too. Just remember to practice!!!

Our story this week is called "The Goat in the Rug." It is a wonderful story about how Navajo rugs are made. You can read it at ThinkCentral on your Things to Do page. When you are finished, you can take a Reading Counts test on it.

Today is National Pink Eraser Day. I'm sure grateful for pink erasers. I use them all the time! I bet you used one today. Do you ever wonder how things are made? Click here to see how pink erasers are made. I think it is awesome.

Here is another challenge that you can do with your siblings. It is called the Alphabet Scavenger Hunt. Instructions: Write each letter of the alphabet on a small piece of paper. Next, put each letter out on the floor or on a table. Then, begin searching the house for items that begin with each letter. When you find one, put that item beside the letter. When you are finished, take a picture with your completed Alphabet Scavenger Hunt and send it to me. Let me know which letters were the hardest?
Do you know what GLHF means? It means Good luck and have fun!

Have a great day!

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