Friday, April 17, 2020


Really! I'm just so proud of you and the work you are doing. Keep it up! And today is Friday. FRI-YAY! The new packets are ready at the school. There are a few surprises in there. There's a new book - it is so funny! And there is a package of popcorn, because you finished the iReady popcorn chart. And something else because I think you are sweet and deserve a sweet reward for working so hard. Woot Woot!!!

Today's activities are so easy. I think you will really like them. 

Are you ready for your spelling test? Today is the day. It is at Quizizz. The code to take the test is 563428. Remember, you can take the quiz more than once.

Also, I want to see all your cute amazing faces. I've set up another flipgrid. All you have to do is click here. If it asks for code it is grant1218. Your password is just your initials in capital letters. Make a video. Everyone wants to see you! We miss you.

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