Friday, April 3, 2020

We Made it to Friday

Have you worked hard this week? Have you done all your work? If you have, then you are probably feeling tired. I'm feeling tired, too. We've worked hard.

Here is some evidence of your hard work. There are only twelve popcorn bags left. I bet you can finish it this week.

Here is today's video: 

Did you do the Quizziz quiz on time? Click and enter code 791536.

Did you make a Flipgrid video about your favorite book? Your ID is your initials in capital letters. Mine would be RG. 

Here is a fun game to learn. Do you know the cup game? You could do it with your family.


  1. Finn loved hearing you talk about River & the 5th grade play! We loved today’s blog post. Finn said it was funny! He noticed your shirt. What does the whole shirt say? He also wonders if you took a video of the play you could sent us? Thank you 🙏 for all your hard work & commitment.

  2. I wish I had taken a video. It was a play for 7 kids performed by 3 kids and was hilarious. My shirt says "There is no cloud. It's just somebody else's computer." I got it at a technology conference from a company that does tech security. I loved the grumpy cloud face. I felt a little grumpy that day. Don't we all have days like that?
