Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday, May 6

Well, here we are in the middle of the week. The snow is gone. The weather is warming. I can wear my awesome summer shoes. The grass is green, and the sky is blue. So many things to be grateful for today. I'm even grateful that we are still doing school. So let's get started.

Don't forget to take some Reading Counts quizzes and practice your spelling words at Spelling City

I love to go exploring. I love to see new places. Summer is a great time to explore. Where do you like to explore? Is there a new place you would like to go? You can read all about places to explore at Epic! Just today I read about Yellowstone National Park and Dry Tortugas National Park. (Tortuga means turtle - AWESOME!) 

Watch this video and then, make a Flipgrid video sharing where you would like to explore. The flipgrid is grant4807. (Remember your ID is your initials in capital letters - mine is RG.)

Have a great day everyone!

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