Thursday, May 14, 2020

Finding Fossils - Thursday, May 13th

Hello! I hope you are well. I have loved learning about dinosaurs this week. have you learned some interesting things? Today I'm excited to share a picture I took while hiking. But, first, let's get the work done.

Last fall, my family and I went hiking in a place called Little Grand Canyon. It is part of the San Rafael Swell near Price, Utah. It was amazing. There are petroglyphs on the walls from ancient peoples, caves to explore, and if you are carefully looking, dinosaur footprints! This is once that we found as we were hiking. 

We can learn a lot about animals from their footprints. Paleontologists, scientists who study fossils and dinosaurs, have learned a lot about dinosaurs from their footprints. Someone asked Mystery Doug if you could outrun a dinosaur. How would you know since we haven't seen live ones? Mystery Science will answer that question. Then you can be a sleuth (detective) and try this activity.

Spelling words are here. Our spelling test is tomorrow! Lots of dinosaur books are here

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