Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday, May 11th

Hello! Welcome to Monday. This week we are going to learn about dinosaurs. If we were in school together, we would be learning about them. Our new story is called "The Dog Who Dug for Dinosaurs." It is a true story. I've put a link to it down below. I think you will really like it.

Your new spelling words are at SpellingCity. They have the letters oo in them like in book. 

"The Dog that Dug for Dinosaurs" is a true story that happened in Great Britain. A girl and her dog discovered bones along the coast. Amazing things happened after that. You can also listen to the story.

I love to learn about dinosaurs. I remember asking my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Jones, how scientists know what dinosaurs looked like if they had never seen one. Mystery Doug has a great answer to that question. 

This week you can read all about dinosaurs. I've assigned some books and videos in Epic! Our class code is guz4022. 

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