Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Grouchy Ladybug

One last book to share with you. If we had been in school, you would have learned about many authors today. So, I wanted to share a book by a great author and illustrator - Eric Carle. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Another book - You

I save a lot of my favorite books to read at the end of the year. That might be something I've learned from all of this craziness. If you wait, you might miss the opportunity. Here is a great book about how important it is to just be you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What You Do is Perfect - The Dot

Here is another book for you. It is one of my favorites. You can do amazing things. What you do is perfect. Practicing makes what you do even better. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Checking In and Saying Thanks!

Just wanted to drop in and tell you hello and thank you for working so hard. I think telling people you are thankful for them is so important. It helps you feel happy and helps the other person feel happy, too. Today I am reading a book about saying "Thank You!" 

Live Mystery Science

Today there is a live Mystery Science. It is all about space. Doug talks to an astronaut on the Space Station. You can watch it here.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday - The Last Day!

Last day! You made it. Today's work is all review - even the math page. Let's get started.

Don't forget to take your last spelling test at quizizz. The code is 3142647. 

Today is our last day for dinosaurs. Remember to make a FlipGrid and tell us your favorite dinosaur. There are so many dinosaurs to learn about. Click here to see Dinosaurs A to Z. Have you ever wondered how dinosaurs are named? Click here to learn how. 

Congratulations! You are finished. Make sure all of your packet work is complete then turn it into the school.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Finding Fossils - Thursday, May 13th

Hello! I hope you are well. I have loved learning about dinosaurs this week. have you learned some interesting things? Today I'm excited to share a picture I took while hiking. But, first, let's get the work done.

Last fall, my family and I went hiking in a place called Little Grand Canyon. It is part of the San Rafael Swell near Price, Utah. It was amazing. There are petroglyphs on the walls from ancient peoples, caves to explore, and if you are carefully looking, dinosaur footprints! This is once that we found as we were hiking. 

We can learn a lot about animals from their footprints. Paleontologists, scientists who study fossils and dinosaurs, have learned a lot about dinosaurs from their footprints. Someone asked Mystery Doug if you could outrun a dinosaur. How would you know since we haven't seen live ones? Mystery Science will answer that question. Then you can be a sleuth (detective) and try this activity.

Spelling words are here. Our spelling test is tomorrow! Lots of dinosaur books are here

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday, May 13th

Yesterday I told you that I would share another one of my favorite dinosaurs with you. I think this dinosaur is amazing because of all its defensive body parts. It is like a tank with a deadly shovel at the end of its tail. Do you know what it is? Let's do our work and then I'll share it with you. 

Another one of my favorite dinosaurs is the Ankylosaurus. I think that it's body is amazing. Watch this video to learn about it. What is a favorite dinosaur of yours? What do you know about it? Tells us on FlipGrid.

Spelling words are here.  Lots of dinosaur books are here. I've had so much fun reading these books. Some of them are Reading Counts tests.

Have a great day! Remember that you are an awesome kid. I sure miss you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday - T-Rex Day

Hello! Welcome to another day in Dinosaur Week. Today I want to introduce you to one of my favorite dinosaurs - I've actually met her. She is big, ferocious, and amazing! First, let's do the worksheets for today.

So here is my friend, Sue the T-Rex. She lives at the Field Museum in Chicago. I've visited her four times. This is one of the pictures that I took of her. 
Sue was discovered in South Dakota by some paleontologists. Click here to learn how Sue came to live in Chicago. You can learn to draw a T-Rex here.

I think T-Rex is an amazing dinosaur. Tomorrow, we'll learn about another one of my favorite dinosaurs.

Remember to practice your spelling words. Read the story "The Dog that Dug for Dinosaurs." And read all about dinosaurs at Epic!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday, May 11th

Hello! Welcome to Monday. This week we are going to learn about dinosaurs. If we were in school together, we would be learning about them. Our new story is called "The Dog Who Dug for Dinosaurs." It is a true story. I've put a link to it down below. I think you will really like it.

Your new spelling words are at SpellingCity. They have the letters oo in them like in book. 

"The Dog that Dug for Dinosaurs" is a true story that happened in Great Britain. A girl and her dog discovered bones along the coast. Amazing things happened after that. You can also listen to the story.

I love to learn about dinosaurs. I remember asking my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Jones, how scientists know what dinosaurs looked like if they had never seen one. Mystery Doug has a great answer to that question. 

This week you can read all about dinosaurs. I've assigned some books and videos in Epic! Our class code is guz4022. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday, May 8th

Hello everyone! Today is a beautiful day. It is also the last day of Teacher Appreciation Week. Make sure you tell your parents "thank you" for being great teachers and helping you so much. Then, do something nice for them. Maybe you could make a card for them. Maybe you could clean up. Perhaps you could write a chalk message for them on the sidewalk. Your parents are awesome!

Today you will need to take the spelling test at Quizizz. The code is 843779. Don't forget to write your name. If you use a goofy name, I don't know who it is. 

I'm also very excited to hear from you on our FlipGrid. The ID code is your initials.

For fun today, I thought I would include an escape room. Have you ever been to a real escape room? I have not, but I want to. There are some escape rooms you can do on the computer. You have to solve lots of problems to solve the puzzles. The escape puzzles are found at Don't give up! You will have to really use your brain.

Mrs. A sent another story for you. You can listen to her here.
Have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rapping Dr. Seuss

Good morning! Today we will read about the brain. The brain is incredible. It runs the whole body and helps you learn. Your brain has been very busy learning new things this year. I'm so proud of you. Keep it up! Learning is a lifelong activity.

Remember, you can use SpellingCity to practice your spelling words - test tomorrow. You can take Reading Counts tests. And, make your FlipGrid (your ID is your initials in capital letters) video, too. We all want to know where you will explore.

Today I started cleaning up the classroom and putting books away. I put all the Dr. Seuss books away. I love those books. So, I read a few. Then Mr. Swensen told me about a man who raps Dr. Seuss books. It is fun to listen to. Watch here. If you have this book, you can follow along. You can learn to draw a fish from the story here.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wednesday, May 6

Well, here we are in the middle of the week. The snow is gone. The weather is warming. I can wear my awesome summer shoes. The grass is green, and the sky is blue. So many things to be grateful for today. I'm even grateful that we are still doing school. So let's get started.

Don't forget to take some Reading Counts quizzes and practice your spelling words at Spelling City

I love to go exploring. I love to see new places. Summer is a great time to explore. Where do you like to explore? Is there a new place you would like to go? You can read all about places to explore at Epic! Just today I read about Yellowstone National Park and Dry Tortugas National Park. (Tortuga means turtle - AWESOME!) 

Watch this video and then, make a Flipgrid video sharing where you would like to explore. The flipgrid is grant4807. (Remember your ID is your initials in capital letters - mine is RG.)

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cinco de Mayo - and Taco Tuesday

It's Cinco de Mayo and Taco Tuesday. Do you like tacos? I love them, almost as much as I love pizza. Today's work will be very quick. 

Remember to practice your spelling words. You can at Spelling City, if you would like. We will have a test on Friday.

Don't forget to take some Reading Counts quizzes. I took ten tests yesterday. It was fun. 

This week's story is so good. It is all about a mysterious animal that is found. You can read it at ThinkCentral. I think a frog's life cycle is amazing. You already know that they start out as eggs, and then become tadpoles, and then become frogs. But, did you know that frogs make all kinds of sounds? Here is a Mystery Science all about the ribbit of frogs. There are many fun activities at the end of the lesson. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

May the 4th Be With You!

Have you seen Star Wars? The first Star Wars movie came out when I was your age. I didn't see them then. I saw them when I got older. I LOVED them. I still do. Do you like them? Why am I talking about Star Wars? Because, today is May the 4th. 

Star Wars jokes are here. These are mostly funny. Some are just dumb.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Mine is Luke Skywalker. You can learn how to draw him here.

Remember to practice your spelling words at SpellingCity. It is Lesson 26. And you can read this week's story - which is AWESOME and fun - at ThinkCentral. If you like tadpoles and surprises, this is a story for you. You can have the story read to you here.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday - Hooray Hooray Hooray

Hello and welcome to Friday. I think you will zip right through today's activities. Once you have finished the worksheets, remember to take the spelling test. I've included the link and the code down below.

The spelling test is at Quizizz. The code is 520037. You will do great!

Also, I found this fun emoji puzzle. I really like puzzles. Look at the emojis and try to figure out the name of a book. 

Do you do a little celebration when your work is done? Sometimes I do. I like to have my own little dance party. Kade likes to celebrate too. Here is what he does when his work is done.

Do a little celebration and then enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday!