Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Just the Beginning

Welcome to the blog where you will find videos for each day and links to fun activities. I'm learning new things,just like you are. Today I learned how to put a video into a blog. 

Remember to get logged into iStation and iReady. Did you get the link for the free Epic! account? I sent it to your parent's email.You will never run out of books to read and things to learn if you are exploring Epic! 

Today I want to share a fun place to explore. The Cincinnati Zoo is doing daily Home Safaris each day at 1:00. The zoo will feature an animal and an activity to do each day. I watched a couple and loved it. 


  1. Works great! Thank you for helping us all through this!

  2. HI!! This is awesome Robin!! Thank you for all your work in putting this together!! Jerzi is excited!!

    Hi mrs.grant I miss you! love Jerzi

    1. Miss you all, too. Have fun with those brothers. Love, Mrs. Grant

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
